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Employment Law FAQ

Before you scan down this list it might be easier to use the search box top right of your screen!

I am an employee and I have been called to a disciplinary meeting. What can I do?

Employers Guide to Disciplinary Meetings

Do I need Representation at Mediation?

Is my 90 Day Trial clause valid?

I have been fired / sacked / terminated from my employment. What can I do?

What is the Minimum Wage?

Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Restraint of Trade clauses in Employment Agreements

Non Solicitation clauses in Employment Agreements

I have been made redundant. What can I do?

Redundancy & Restructuring. What happens when I get it wrong?

What is the process for taking a Personal Grievance?

How to Fire an Employee

Calderbank Offers

Am I entitled to holidays over Christmas?

My Employer keeps rolling me over on Fixed Term contracts. Can they do this?

What will the Employment Relations Authority award me if I will my case?

There are issues in the work place that I would like addressed to improve a working relationship or working environment.

How to Negotiate at a MBIE Mediation.

Can I run my own personal grievance process without having to pay someone to represent me?

Personal Grievance Avoidance Tips

What are the benefits of resolving my employment dispute?

Is mediation really a confidential process?

What is the difference between Mediation and the Employment Relations Authority?

Questions to ask an Employment Lawyer / Advocate prior to engaging them.

I am buying a business and want to include 90 day trial period clauses for the employees. Can I do this?

Your question not listed here? Call us on 0800 HELP ME or send me an email danny.gelb@employmentlaw.net.nz

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