Legislation was introduced by the National Party to enable employers to take on new employees in a more risk free environment. The idea behind this piece of legislation is that this should encourage employers to take on more employees. It means that, for whatever reason should the employment relationship not work out within the first 90 days, the employer can terminate the employment relationship. This can be done without the risk of the employee raising a personal grievance and then dragging the employer through the resolution process that can be very time consuming and costly.
There are very strict parameters around this piece of legislation in order for it to be used for this purpose and not just as a mechanism to aid the employer to chop and change employees at will. There has now been three significant cases before the employment court that have defined the use of this clause even further. The ramifications of this is that there are many employers and employees that believe their employment agreement is subject to a 90 day trial period, when this clause within their employment agreement would not stand up as valid in our courts. To the horror of employers and to the delight of employees, this is not normally discovered until there is an employment relationship problem. An issue for employers is that it is impossible to retrospectively fix any defects in their 90 day trial period clause should they discover that it is currently invalid.
Let's now look at this clause in two ways. Firstly, what is needed to make it valid and secondly, common reasons that make it invalid.
For employers, it is best practice to get advice on the use of this clause.
For employees that are terminated under this clause, it is best to get advice as to the validity of the clause in your particular situation.
For any clarification of the issues around the 90 day trial legislation, please don't hesitate to call me on 0800 HELP ME (0800 435 763) or drop me an email to danny.gelb@employmentlaw.net.nz