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I Have Been Made Redundant. What Can I Do? There are a couple of aspects to being made redundant that […]

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What Will The Employment Relations Authority Award Me?

We are often asked by employees, that want to take a matter to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA), what are […]

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Personal Grievance Process

What Is The Process Of Taking A Personal Grievance Through New Zealand's Legal Landscape? Either you can follow the process […]

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Employment Fixed Term Agreements

We Are Regularly Asked Questions Such As: My employer keeps 'rolling over' my employment agreement on a 6 month fixed […]

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Employment Non Solicitation Clauses

Generally, these clauses are enforceable when contained in a signed employment agreement. The object of these non-solicitation clauses is to […]

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Employment Restraint Of Trade Clauses

There is a fine line between what is contracted, what is legal, and what is enforceable. Even though each situation […]

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Unfair Dismissal

I Have Been Fired Or Sacked, Or I Think I Am About To Be! What Can I Do? Irrespective of […]

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Employee - Disciplinary Meeting

I Am An Employee And I Have Been Called To A Disciplinary Meeting. What Can I Do? Information for Employers on Disciplinary […]

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Employment 90 Day Trial Period Clauses

Legislation was introduced by the National Party to enable employers to take on new employees in a more risk free […]

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Restructuring And Redundancy

Prior to the Global Financial Crisis becoming part of our everyday terminology, the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment mediation […]

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