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Bullying & Harassment Within The Workplace

We get many calls from employees complaining that they are being bullied or harassed within the workplace. This is not […]

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Employer's Guide To Disciplinary Meetings

Information for Employees on Disciplinary Meetings can be found here Disciplinary meetings are not hard to complete, so long as you tick […]

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Buying A Business – 90 Day Trial Period Clauses

A common question employment lawyers and other employment law experts are asked is, "I have just bought a business and […]

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Questions To Ask An Employment Lawyer / Advocate Prior To Engaging Them

In order for you to be able to negotiate a realistic settlement for an employment problem, you need to know […]

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How Is Mediation Different To An Employment Relations Authority Investigative Meeting?

You have had an employment problem within the workplace and the other side is threatening to take you to court […]

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Is Mediation Really A Confidential Process?

There are two answers to this question; one being the legal answer and the other being what can happen in […]

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The Value Of Closure

Virtually every dispute we attend mediation for has two common outcomes that, at least one party, is hoping to achieve […]

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Employment Law Personal Grievances - Avoidance Tips

Did you hear those employment ads on the radio recently? They state that 70% of failed job appointments are due […]

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Can I Run My Own Personal Grievance Process Without Having To Pay Someone To Represent Me?

In a word, yes. However, like baking a cake, if you make a mistake with the ingredients or you don't […]

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How To Negotiate At A MBIE Mediation

This actually applies to any negotiation. The question to ask yourself when you make, or are made, any offer at […]

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