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There are two very distinct ways that we help people involved with redundancies.  This depends on who we are assisting […]

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Disciplinary Meetings

There are two very distinct ways we help people involved with disciplinary meetings.  This depends on who we are assisting […]

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Employment Law For Employers

If something has just happened with one of your staff and you need immediate assistance, call us now 24/7, for […]

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Employer's Guide To Disciplinary Meetings

Information for Employees on Disciplinary Meetings can be found here Disciplinary meetings are not hard to complete, so long as you tick […]

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Conference Takeouts

Thanks for listening to me speak at your conference. You staying awake for the duration of my presentation was highly […]

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Employment Agreement Drafting

Employment Contract Drafting Many employment agreements we see are out of date, refer to old legislation and have no valid […]

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Restructuring And Redundancy

Prior to the Global Financial Crisis becoming part of our everyday terminology, the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment mediation […]

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How To Fire An Employee

This is by far the most frequently asked question I receive from employers.  If we were in America, I would […]

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